Once a positive range has been entered, we print the multiplication table. If the value of range is negative, the loop iterates again to ask the user to enter a positive number. Table of 7 is used to help students learn to multiply by 7 and to understand the patterns and. By using this table, students can easily find the product of any two numbers between 1 and 30. Here, we have used a do.while loop to prompt the user for a positive range. The 7 times table, also known as the multiplication table for the number 7, is obtained by multiplying 7 by different integers. Printf('Enter the range (positive integer): ') Table of 9 is used to help students learn to multiply by 9 and to understand the patterns and. Table of 10 is used to help students learn to multiply by 10 and to understand the patterns. By using this table, students can easily find the product of any two numbers between 1 and 100. Multiplication Table Up to a range #include The 9 times table, also known as the multiplication table for the number 9, is obtained by multiplying 9 by different integers. The 10 times table, also known as the multiplication table for the number 10, is obtained by multiplying 10 by different integers. Here's a little modification of the above program to generate the multiplication table up to a range (where range is also a positive integer entered by the user).